Lizzy & Lucas say, "Stay Safe"

Lizzy & Lucas say, "Stay Safe"

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Halloween Tips to keep your Pets Safe

Halloween can is meant to be a scary good time, BUT it can also be a stressful time for your four legged pets. People constantly walking by, knocking or ringing the doorbell. It is also a time of parties, which you may be having some yourself. Keep your pets safe during these stressful times. Try to find them a quit place. If your pet is sensitive, you may want to even play them some calm music, my Lizzy and Lucas like Music my Pets. Other dangers that lurk around during the Halloween season is all that candy. Be sure keep the candy at out of reach of your pets. Also, make sure if you are having a party, please ask the guest to refrain from feeding your pets.

Have a Safe Halloween Season,
Lizzy & Lucas